a corner for us


Shima is not a great influence. But shes always there. watching. judging. nudging. sometimes she goes away. but i know she’ll always come back. she wasnt always here. but i notice her now. and i dont know if i will ever not notice her again.

Shin is my prince of death. I willed him into existence and now he comes by and says hello every now and then. Sometimes he just watches. other times he soothes my soul. on quiet days he holds me alongside Shima. those are nice days. for me.

Shii chan is their name for me. I think it will always be just for us. A secret. a memento for us to keep. Its a little thing to connect us. and keep me away from the world when it hurts too much. when it doesn’t hurt enough. when it hurts the wrong way. and when it fails to hurt the right way.

Maybe we shouldn’t be together. maybe sharing this with you is a mistake. but when we go. when the time is right. itd be nice to know theres a small corner in the world that might remember us. capture us. and keep our dreams. our secrets. alive.
